Thank you for your One Woman/One Girl sponsorship.
Your sponsorship will make Runjun’s education possible each month!!!

Meet Runjun, a young girl from the North Indian State of West Bengal. Our Good ShepherdSchool is the only English medium school in her area, which is why her community was sothrilled when her school was built. Runjun attends grade 1 and her favourite subject isEnvironmental Studies. She loves to draw and is working hard in her classes to achieve hergoals. With the support and prayers of her sponsors Runjun will hopefully complete all sevengrade levels available at the Good Shepherd School in her community and go on to completeher grade 10 examinations. For students in India, passing their grade 10 exams is the key toopening the door to all higher education.
We look forward to sending you updates about Runjun and Dalit girls.
Thank you for empowering One Girl in the world, together we can change the world for all women and girls!!!